Monday, December 27, 2010

Limitations of Insurance Nomination

No Substitute Nominees

  • You cannot appoint substitute nominee
  • Only joint nominees are allowed
Pop Quiz --> If your nominee(s) dies before you, what happens to your nomination?

For clarification/assistance, please contact us via 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Limitations of Insurance Nomination

Minor Children Nominees

Questions for your consideration :-
  1. How to safeguard the proceeds for the minor beneficiary if parent is financially irresponsible?
  2. What happens if parent receives the money but later passes away or is declared a bankrupt?
  3. Will Amanah Raya Berhad distribute the money for the minor children's maintenance? If yes, how fast?
For further assistance, contact us at

Monday, November 29, 2010

Cashing in on your Youth

Experts always urge the youth to start saving early, but most young working adults argue that it’s hard to save and enjoy life with what they earn.

Is this true? If you are a youth, do you subscribe to this belief? I was once a youth and found this to be baseless. It is a matter of :
Setting Expectations
Setting Goals
Deciding on a long term benefit than short term pleasure
Having an Action Plan

Perhaps nobody pointed out ot the youth that setting savings as priority does not mean starving yourself of life's pleasures or having to be a hermit and staying home all the times enjoying bread every meal.

Are you a Billionaire?

If you are not, I will need to recommend you a friend. This friend is critical to your financial health in the future. His name is TIME. Time will help your finances grow with the power of compound interest.

From my experiences speaking to youth, those who subscribe to the belief that it is hard to save and enjoy life, they spend on average more than half of their income on entertainment, clothes, etc. collectively. If we were to dissect the expenses, we will find that we could easily make-do without more than half of the "doodads" as Robert Kiyosaki would call them.

Of course there is no right or wrong. Every individual has freedom of choice. It is the individual and his/her future family that will have to live with the consequences of those choices.

I am pleased to say that due to my

Setting Expectations
Setting Goals
Deciding on a long term benefit than short term pleasure
Having an Action Plan

I was never deprieved of life's pleasures but I did save and no waste my money on unnecessary expenses. All these have contributed to my ability to have the Greatest Wedding one can have + self-fund my own property. The most valuable reward I gained is the Discipline & Wisdom gained from doing the above.

Youth of today, think about it. Time and Youth is something that once is past is history. It can never be regained or found again.

Have the wisdom and focus. Have the right peers (friends). Know why you save. The Best Time is NOW

For assistance/advice, please contact us at

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Types of Nomination

  1. Do you know the types of nomination available?
  2. Who can be your nominees?
  3. What are the implications of different categories of nominees?
  4. Can a nomination be revoked?
If you wish to understand more, contact us at

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Our Heartiest Congratulations to all Investors whom have started receiving your Guaranteed Lifetime NonTaxable Income.

It felt like it was only yesterday that I was approached to help you create this Income and it has been my privilege and honor to be able to contribute to the financial being of yourself and family.

Along the way, few of you were distracted and felt that the money would've been better left in your pockets. Of course it was not easy as temptations surrounded you everyday. Yet, you should be proud as you persevered "a little while" more for a lifetime of benefits.

Now that you have started receiving this Income, I see many of you beaming with joy and satisfaction. I am also privileged to hear of the many wonderful things that you wish to do with the availability of this Income.

I look forward to be of service to you and family again in the near future.

I wish to sign-off with the following thoughts:

Wealth can give us wrong attitude about material things. "Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Insurance Nomination

Nomination is a right given to the life insurance policyholder to appoint a person or persons to receive the benefit under the policy in case it becomes a death claim.

Tell Me More...
  1. Anyone of age 18 and above can make a nomination
  2. Nominee is the person who is nominated to receive the insurance proceeds
  3. The relationship between Nominee and policy owner is important
  4. Nomination is part of life insurance proposal
  5. Nomination can be changed as many times as policy owner wants
So, is Insurance Nomination sufficent to provide for you and your loved ones in your time of need?

For further assistance please contact us at

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Retirement - Baby's Thoughts

I repeat my question -

  1. When is the Best time to plan for your retirement?
  2. Do you have all the time in the world?
  3. Do you know that time and compound interest is an ally?


For asisstance, contact us at

Investment - What Are You?

Are you involved with any form of investment, particularly stocks/shares, options, etc?

If yes, then which of the following are you?
  1. Investor
  2. Trader
  3. Speculator
Some people ask me if it is important to know which are we. Of course it is. It very much drives the way you make decisions, thoughts process, emotions and executions.

For more information, please contact us at

Friday, November 19, 2010

Medical BOMB

If you or have family that have been to hospital to seek treatment, you will know the cost of treatment is anything but CHEAP.

Recently due to my wife's fractured ankle, we have been to medical center a few times. Fractured ankle is not a critical matter medically but the bill has been "High" nonetheless. I confess that I am grateful that we are medically insured else I will be crying....

So what is the meaning of "insured"? To me it basically means transfering my financial risk to a 3rd party. To most people, insurance is an expense that is unnecessary. I cannot understand how people can be so foolish. Do they not realize that if this is an "expense", this will be the only expense that will pay for all the other Expenses?

I have lost count of the number of people who came to me to seek help on their insurance. Because they had no proper & adequate contingency financial plan, some have had to:
  • Opt for cheaper treatment though it is not the proper treatment
  • Spouse returning to workforce to finance family needs
  • Selling assets, i.e. house, car
  • etc.
As I pay the bills, I cannot help but think of the poor folks that isn't financially prepared for this. They may be literally poor or mentally poor (due to their choice in assuming nothing bad will ever happen to them).

Remember this folks. Not being prepared is like jumping out of a plane without a parachute or a working parachute. Rest assured you will never need it again!

Make the wise decision. The impact & consequences is limited not only to you but your loved ones too.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


In NickG, we Plan for the Best & Plan for the Worst. It is better, don't you think?

For assistance contact us at

Monday, November 8, 2010

Creative Finance ?

Financial Designers are sometimes required to think creatively.
At NickG, we do that !

Quote by Winston Churchill, former British Prime Minister

"If I had my way, I would write the word "insure" upon the door of every home because I am convinced, for sacrifices so small, families and estates can be protected against catastrophes which would otherwise smash them up forever. It is the duty to arrest the ghastly waste, not merely of human happiness which follows when, through the death of the breadwinner, the frail boat in which the family are embarked, founders and the women and children and the estates are left to struggle in the dark waters of a friendless world

Friday, October 22, 2010

Insurance Nomination - Is it Safe?

Hear ye Hear ye.... Are your Insurance Nominations safe & sufficient?

Keep an eye out for a new series we will be launching - Shortcomings of Insurance Nomination.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Claims for Car Theft

Documentations required (may vary little amongst companies):

  1. Duly completed claim form
  2. Police report
  3. Police investigation outcome to confirm the status of the vehicle
  4. IC & driving licence of the insured & driver
  5. Original vehicle registration card
  6. 2 sets of car keys
  7. Original release letter of ownership claim or an Undertaking nletter from the hire-purchase owner stating that release letter will be forwarded to insurer upon receipt of payment
  8. Transfer documents such as duly signed JPJ K-3 form, duly signed
  9. TM-AB form endorsed by Commissioner For Oaths / JPJ office Memorandum and Article of Association (for vehicle registered under company name)

Complications Arising from Theft of your Car

  1. Monetary difference between Purchase Price and Payment Amount which is based on Market Value or Sum Insured (whichever is lower)
  2. Loss of use of vehicle before replacement
  3. Cost of alternative transportation and inconveniences
  4. Loss of No Claim Discount
  5. Contiunue with financial instalment payments and replacement of next vehicle
  6. Waiting period before insurance payments and replacement of next vehicle
  7. Hassle of claims submission, documents, making police reports and frequent visits to police stations to follow-up
  8. Loss of use of unexpired portion of road tax
  9. Attending interviews by loss adjusters
  10. Constant reminders from finance company
  11. Psychological and emotional stress

Monday, September 13, 2010

MEDICAL Insurance - WHAT You Need To Know

Do you expect your medical insurance to pay 100% of your bills or you are able to claim the "sky-high" benefits?

DO NOT leave to chance or assumptions. In a nutshell, be aware of the following:

  • Co-insurer clause – do you have to share the bill? If yes, what percentage?
  • Annual limit / lifetime limit – marketing purpose or actual benefit?
  • Termination clause - under what circumstances can your insurer terminate your benefits?
  • Independent or Accessory benefit? - are you expected to pay extra for plans that you do not need just because you are needing medical benefits?
  • Exclusion clause - what are you not covered?
  • Waiting period - in Malaysia, there is a 30 days waiting period whereby insurers are not liable except for accident claims
  • Cashless card applicable on weekends or public holidays?

For more information or assistance, please message us via NICKG FB or email


Windscreen Claims

Documentation required (may vary a little amongst companies)


  1. Duly completed claim form
  2. Police report
  3. IC & driving licence of insured & driver
  4. Updated vehicle registration card
  5. Photographs before and after replacement of windscreen
  6. Close up photo depicting the brand and make of the newly replaced windscreen
  7. Original repair bill and tinting bill
  8. Old tinting bill is required to support the claim for the tinting

Thinking about the Future?

Find out more about leaving your money & estate for someone who has physical or learning disabilities.

Talk to Us...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I Want Better & Stable Returns

With current low interest environment, many people are seeking alternatives that offer stability while giving a better return than the regular interest rates!

We have the right answer for that ... ask us how at

Saturday, August 21, 2010

WATCH this!

Visual Intro to Financial Planning

At NICKG, we are able to help you. For assistance or more information, please contact us at

Sunday, August 8, 2010

We are Listening

Do you have anything to say? We are listening!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Insurance Nomination #2

What are the rules on insurance nomination?

1) Do you know the limitations?

2) what do you need to do to improve it?

Insurance Nomination #1

Do you have nomination for your insurance policies?

Is insurance nomination sufficient to provide for you and your loved ones in your time of need?

What do we mean? Contact us at to find out more...

Employee Benefits

Do you know FOR CERTAIN what your insurance benefits you are entitled from your employer? Don't leave to guess/chance or till a time when you need it.

It is your RIGHT to know.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


People often ask us " What product do you have"? They will then try to find a reason or create a goal to fit that product. Do you think this is the right approach?

We suggest 1) Identify your Goal/Concern/Objective ; 2) Find a Solution ; 3) Implement Solution

This way you will resolving the "actual" issue while not wasting your $$$ resources.

Contact us at to find out more


Let not your Income come in "drops". Connect your Income so that it comes as Income-Flow / CashFlow. Better still if the Income is Guaranteed & Non-Taxable

How? Contact us at to find out more!

Thursday, July 15, 2010


What if this is to happen to you or your loved ones?

Take no risk! Contact us today at


If you currently don’t have an emergency fund or find it difficult to save money the key is to start small. You have to realize that accumulating one month’s worth of expenses will take some time, let alone three to six months. If you set your immediate goals to be small and manageable you will have a better chance in ...reaching them.

The best way to get started would probably be through your bank. Open up a new savings account if you currently don’t have one and begin to save with this first. The next step is to get into the habit of making regular deposits into this account. Whether it is weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, create a schedule and stick to it. Once you make saving automatic you won’t even have to think about it.

If you feel it is difficult to begin saving simply start with a small amount. Maybe you begin with $10 a week initially. While this won’t amount add up all that quickly the important thing is to start putting something away and to make it a habit. After a few weeks you won’t even notice that $10 missing so you can bump it up to $15 or $20 after a month or so. You will begin to get used to that money not being there and can slightly increase it again.


Manage your Mortgage as Interest Rates RISE!

1) Do you need to refinance your property?

2) Do you require fixed interest rates for the peace of mind?

Look no further. Contact us at immediately for assistance


It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. Same applies to our children and money.

It is better to teach them about Money & Sterwardship than to give them money.
Money Stewardship for Children

HELP available

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Parent Vs Child

1) Who is more important?

2) Who to secure first?

3) How to plan?

How BIG Should Your Emergency Fund Be?

Most experts agree to be 3 and 6 months worth of your living expenses. Amount is dependent on vary factors, i.e. children, debt, existing insurance coverage, etc.Most common reason of having 3 to 6 months of expenses saved up is sudden loss of income. If you/spouse loses a job you still have bills to pay and it may take a few months to find suitable new employment. It is best to plan for a worst-cast scenario so that the smaller emergencies such as replacing the hot water heater that just went out will be easily covered.See more

Emergencies Happen When You Least Expect Them

Life is full of the unexpected and it is for this reason you need an emergency fund. The best you can do is to prepare for emergencies that require access to additional money and having an emergency fund is the ideal solution.Financial emergencies can come in the form of a job loss, significant medical expenses, home or auto repairs or something you’ve never dreamed of. The last thing you want to do is be forced to rely on credit cards or a loan which could simply compound the problem

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tough Times la...

If you are in a financial predicament, whose fault is it? Why is your money not growing? Maybe it is time to wake up!

Contact us at NickG for assistance
Read Me...

Increase Increase Increase

Prices increased 5% last year. Did your income increase 5% or more last year?

Increase Prices

I am being "Pinched"

Price are rising? Feeling the pinch? What is your decision? Complain that government not subsiding enough?

Do you complain about prices not coming down or ask yourself "How can I afford it?"
Ouch! I am being pinched!

Many Usage of EPF

EPF withdrawal for 23 more additional critical illnesses

EPF withdrawal for critical illness

Friday, May 28, 2010

Life Expectancy Rate in Malaysia

Folks, we are all living longer. Remember the principle - "as long as we are breathing, we will incur expenses". So be prepared. You may just outlive your money

Malaysian Life Expectancy Statistics

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I am sure we have all heard of the word budgeting before. Have you tried budgeting? Do you do budgeting?

The BIGGEST difficulty in Budgeting is "Getting Started". It sounds simple but is actually very difficult because it requires a change in our attitude as well as discipline.

Nonetheless, it is an essential part of Financial Planning if you wish to manage your finances/cashflow well.

For your benefit, refer to this site for some ideas:

Business Value Protection

We are embarking on a topic of Business Value Protection in our "Business Succession Planning" facebook Page.

We will not share with you 11 ways not to shoot yourself and business in the foot but the BEST way - Secure the Value & Interest of your Business.

Come join us @ Business Succession Planning

Top 5 Unexpected Costs of Retirement

Some people see retirement as a chance to sit back and relax, while others take advantage of their newfound time by traveling the globe. Either way you spin it, retirement costs money. As long as you are breathing, you will incur... costs -- and some of your bills will be unexpected.
Here are the top five expenses that aren't always factored into a retirement budget or investment plan. The good news? Almost all are related to a positive trend: people are living longer, healthier lives.

1. Living Longer

   (Happy 100th Birthday!)

2. Adult Children With Money Problems

   (Your empty nest may not stay that way)

3. Higher Taxes, Higher Inflation

   (Pay it out to LHDN. Taxes are one of the two things you cannot escape in life)

4. Health Costs and Dental Care

   (Expect to pay for a happy, healthy you)

5. Repairs for Your Older Home

    (It’s Tool Time!)See more

Create your Personal "EPF"

Not sure how much money to put aside for your retirement? Start a personal retirement fund. Social Security (EPF) was originally designed to get you through your retirement years but it’s unclear whether it will be sufficient due to the many “leaks”. While you can't stop paying EPF from you...r paycheck, you can create your own additional fund for yourself using the same percentages.

Creating your personal retirement fund is just one way to provide income in retirement. Consider all your options. Consider working towards being debt-free as part of your retirement planning, as well. Don't forget to discuss retirement planning with your spouse. A worry-free retirement is the result of solid planning and reviewing all options.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Mortgage Interests

Are you living in your dream home now? or are you planning to buy your dream home?

Are you aware of the impact of BLR (base lending rate)? Is it increasing again soon?

Avoid this nightmare! Manage your mortgage.

For assistance, contact NICKG at

Dying Testate

With the help of "Your-Will-Be-Done", here is what is going to happen to your assets...

1) Quick & Secure

2) Distributed according to your instructions

3) Value of your assets secured!

4) Peace of mind for your loved ones

Dying Intestate???

What happens if we are to stop breathing permanently without a Will?

Whatever we have - MUCH or LITTLE, we may as well kiss goodbye to it because it is going to be a looooooooooooong and costly wait for your loved ones.

Do the right thing - Leave your instructions in proper and legal manner. Also secure the value of your 'assets'.

"Your-Will-Be-Done" Your Will Be Doneis the specialist to help you.

Business Succession Planning

Friends, for the enterpreneurs or entrepreneurs-wanna-be in our midst, you are strongly encouraged to be a part of Business Succession Planning facebook page.

Come click on "Like" and you will be kept abreast of business financial related topics.
Business Succession Planning


What is the cost of education in Malaysia?

Costs have increased about 3 fold since my college/uni days. It is as critical as ever to be prepared for our children's education.

Attached is the cost of education guidelines (keep in mind figures do not include inflation)
Education Costs

Your Will Be Done

Friends, almost all of us are always busy or pre-occupied with creating and securing our wealth. What happens to the wealth in the event we no longer 'breathe'?

How is it distributed? Is the value of our wealth protected in our absence? There are more questions for you to consider than you think.

Visit Your-Will-Be-Done Your Will Be Done website to educate yourself and seek advice if necessary so that all that you are doing now will not be in vain at the end

Friday, May 14, 2010

Who is NICKG?

Who is NICKG Advisory Services?

We are what you can consider Financial Doctors. Physicians help heal you or advise you on your physical health. We help you with financial related matters, e.g. retirement, cashflow, tax-free money, money preservation, etc.

A more detailed wholesome diagnosis will take the line of the attached or we can just focus on a specific issue, e.g. create $ for 2nd house downpayment.

Anything other than "get-rich-quick" scheme, we are the right people to talk to.

Present is a GIFT

Ask the person in the mirror. Is there anything from the past that you will change if given a 2nd chance? What are you doing today? What do you wish for tomorrow?

Ever heard the words of wisdom that " You will not need worry about tomrrow if you do the right thing today"?


Warm Welcome to all who has just joined NICKG in recent weeks.

We are delighted to see that you are taking interest in your finances. Next step is to be COMMITTED.

We at NICKG wish to hear from you - your experience, needs, desires & even how we can be of assistance to you.

Debts Debts Debts

Can we ever be TRULY debt-free? As cholesterols, there are good debts and bad debts.

Learn to leverage on 'debts'...

LEGACY for your Children

What legacy are you leaving your children? Be interested or COMMITTED to achieving Financial Freedom?

Can you Take it with You?

Do you intend to take all your $$$ to the next life? Can you?

If not, how do you wish for your $$$ to be managed?

Are you aware of the legal and cost implications of not being prepared?

Do not put your loved ones at risk! Contact for an immediate solution!

No Money No Problem

Is this your choice?

5 Basic Steps to FP SUCCESS

I have been asked by many people over the past few years this question, "What do I need to do first in order to get my personal finances together?

"When people first started asking me this question, I have to be honest I wasn't sure what to tell them.
Now that some time has passed though, I fee...l as though the ANSWER to this question is quite simple. What I mean to say is that the ANSWER is simple, but what trips people up isn't the ANSWER but the ACTION.

#1 - Determine your Values

# 2- Determine your Goals

# 3 - Get Organized

# 4 - Determine Your Plan/Budget - Retirement, Savings, Investments, and Tithing

# 5 - Implement your Plan

Friday, May 7, 2010

RETIREMENT? Ask the Experts!

What is RETIREMENT to you? No idea? Let's consult the experts!

Kids say the funniest things—but sometimes, they're smarter than we think. Hear their thoughts on retirement, and find out if you're on track.


$$$ - Now you see it, Now you don't !!! What happened?

Never underestimate the IMPORTANCE of MONEY MANAGEMENT. It is good to earn more money but it is CRITICAL to know how to use your money.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Parents Working Hard

We work hard for our money. But is our money working equally, if not harder for us?

We are so conditioned to study hard and then work hard that we forgot to have our money work for us...


RETIREMENT is a word commonly heard but few people understand the predicaments of retirement.

What is retirement to you? Do you realise that in retirement, everyday is a holiday?

Where is your source of retirement income? What happens if you run out of $$$ ?

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Do you suspect you are infected or a potential carrier?

Get your peace of mind. Quickly see a Financial Doctor!

For further diagnosis, contact NICKG at